# genesis-app

It provides a method to quickly create an APP, and wraps vue-router, which helps you solve the problem of conflicts between multiple Router instances in historical mode

# Installation

npm install vue-router @fmfe/genesis-app

# Use

# Routing configuration

// import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import { Router } from '@fmfe/genesis-app';
const router = new Router({
    mode: 'history'

Just need to modify VueRouter into a router of @fmfe/genesis-app, and the other is still the same as VueRouter is used in the same way

# Client use

// entry-client.ts
import { ClientOptions } from '@fmfe/genesis-core';
import { createClientApp } from '@fmfe/genesis-app';
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './app.vue';

export default async (clientOptions: ClientOptions): Promise<Vue> => {
    return createClientApp({
        vueOptions: {
            // Options passed to new Vue({}) example router, store etc
            // By default, renderContext is passed to new Vue({ clientOptions })

# Server

// entry-server.ts
import { RenderContext } from '@fmfe/genesis-core';
import { createServerApp } from '@fmfe/genesis-app';
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './app.vue';

export default async (renderContext: RenderContext): Promise<Vue> => {
    return createServerApp({
        vueOptions: {
            // options passed to new Vue({})  example router, store etc
            // Recognize that renderContext is passed to new Vue({ renderContext })